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To me, these sections--though potentially controversial--set Run for Life apart. Right, wrong, or somewhere in between, the techniques, regimens, and philosophies from Wallack and the world-class runners and researchers he includes opened my eyes as a distance runner currently stuck in a bit of a rut. Overall, the book balances replica iluxury watches research, interviews, and journalism with opinions based on Wallacks personal experiences--which include 10K races to multiday ultra events. At age 53, Wallack is a living case study in staying fit and vital in middle age and beyond. He writes that after a life of exercise and outdoors activities, he feels better physically today than he did at age 30.

--Stephen Regenold writes a daily blog on outdoors gear at .A collision between two surfers at New Zealands Lyall Bay left one man dead. While few details have emerged, the conditions were apparently windy and choppy, though not crowded. Replica Ulysse Nardin watches Martin Robinson, the president of the Lyall Bay Surf and Rescue Club, says such collisions are rare but rough conditions can make it harder for the surfers to see each other. For more information, go to Transworld Surf.--Kyle Dickman

Taylor Phinney of the Trek-Livestrong team became the first American to win with the Under 23 Paris-Roubaix race. Last Sunday, the 19-year-old beat back a group of ten other riders to claim the victory. For more information, check out Replica Vacheron Constantin watches.--Kyle DickmanPaul Robinson and Lizzy Asher have won the the Mammut Bouldering Championships Gravity Brawl. Following Robinson in the mens comp rankings are Vasya Vorotnikov and Rob D’Anastasio. Following Asher in the womens comp are Kasia Pietras and Sasha DiGiulian. --Aileen Torres

